Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Walk- Just trees

 The woods on the bike path

 One of the apple trees on the path. We'll never know if this tree was planted by the owner of this land before it became part of the path, or if a bird planted it by eating the seed and depositing it in fertile soil, wrapped in it's own fertilizer! I wonder about these things...

 rough pine bark
 I've seen woodworkers take these lumps off of trees and make bowls out of them. This would make a great bowl...
 These birch trees stand out so much on the path with their bright white bark.
 It's so soft and smooth i always step off the path and stroke it
 Off the bike path, every time i walk thru this part of my neighborhood i stop to admire this Japanese Maple tree. I just think it is the most beautiful thing...
I'm crazy about trees...


Paula said...

So beautiful, my friend!

Mare said...

Aw Thank you Paula!

crimsoncat05 said...

what a gorgeous, relaxing place to walk!! I love trees too, and ours are nothing like this- I'm glad I can still see them because of your wonderful pictures!

Mare said...

Hi Crimsoncat! The last time we visited our friends in Arizona, i thought i would miss our trees very much if i lived there. But then we drove thru Verde Valley. What a Lovely green place! Thanks for visiting!

Mare said...

Oh and i forgot to say-i am envious of your cactus! :)