Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lola's Favorite Thing...

Lola just LOVES books! Most of her books here are cardboard books, as she shows her love for them by kissing (and drooling on) them, slapping and patting them, and turning the pages. She does have a few "big girl" books tho..She just loves the art work and bright colors in Jenny Sue Kostecki -Shaw's book, "My Traveling Eye" Her favorite part? The front cover, and the back page. It's Jenny Sue's self portrait as a child. If you have little ones in your life, or you are like me and just enjoy children's books, this is a lovely little book to add to your collection.

Lola patting Jenny Sue...(Please excuse Grandma in her nightgown! :)


Paula said...

Lola is such a sweetie!

Mare said...

Thank you Paula! I think so too! :)