Friday, June 6, 2008

My Bella

I have had the privilege of living with my beautiful cat companion Thistle Bella for almost 17 years now. She is a lovely animal, sweet and gentle. When she first came to live with us, she was afraid of everything! For the first few days she was here with us, she hid and we could not find her. Over the years she and i have been getting closer and closer and now i cannot imagine my home without her constant calming puuuuurrrrrr. It is like a gentle mantra always playing in the background wherever i calm...all is well.... Bella has had troubles with arthritis these last several years and i can see that she is starting to have more discomfort walking and getting around. But she never complains...she just keeps purrrrringgggg...She has taught me so much about keeping focused on what is important in this life and to ignore the little speed bumps along the way....

She has taught me thru example to take time in my busy day to do those things i love. Bella loves to sit in boxes....

And she has taught me that no matter what, taking time for meditation and mantra is always something i can include in my daily activities....

She has shown me how to relax when needed

no matter where i find myself

and to try to radiate love wherever i go


Kate said...

I almost keeled over when I read that she's 17! Holy crap. I really feel old now.

Mare said...

Yep! It's hard for me to believe too. But think about it, you and your sister were in and out playing with your friends when she first came to live with us(and Panda-remember him?)and we thought someone had left the screen door open and she might have gotten out when we couldn't find her. That was a LONG time ago....

Amy said...

I've often thought that if I could come back as any animal, I would choose to come back as a house cat. (I like boxes too!)