Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Thank You Note to Amma

Dear Amma,
Thank you so much for taking the time to come and visit us all in Boston again this year. As always, i have learned so much from you in the few days you have been here. Your message is so simple and so profound. This year you have asked us to stop thinking and start doing...To stop thinking about making the world a better place thru selfless service, and to just do it. To stop thinking about improving our Spiritual practice and to just do it. And as always, but now more than ever, you have asked us to pray for Mother Nature and the health and Peace of the Earth. To plant trees and to care for the animals and plants and insects and each other. And so we have our assignment for the year. Thank you dear Amma. The minute after i say goodbye to you, i find myself anxiously awaiting your return... Love, mare

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