About me, that is....I got tagged by my wonderful, most talented blogger friend CM, from
City Mouse, Country House If you get a chance, go on over and visit his blog! He resides and works in NYC but has a new residence in the making in the Adirondack Mountains. AND he has an
ETSY shop called
ADKknits . Do yourself a favor and check him out!
Ok, six new things about me you might not (want to ) know.....Well...here goes...
#1- I am a
Reiki Master, and have lived and worked with this energetic Healing technique daily for almost 20 years. I am also a certified Crystal Therapeutics practitioner, Electromagnetic Healer, Magnified Healing practitioner, etc... I teach
Reiki, Crystal classes(i would have to dust off the manual for this one, as it's been a while) and offer
Reiki treatments
when ever they are requested or needed. I can work directly on the body, or long distance either
thru a name, a photo or energetic connection... I've worked with the Damien Center, treating folks and their families who have AIDS/HIV, and also with Hospice. I also used to go to the local animal shelter unofficially, and treat the dogs and cats (especially the dogs on "death row") with
Reiki...That was the hardest job of all. Thankfully this shelter is now a no kill shelter...
#2- I used to be horrendously shy as a child. I remember reading books constantly so that i would not have to talk or interact with people. Now, you cannot shut me up! My
kids used to tell
me not to talk to strangers! :) Now, i don't believe there is any such thing as a stranger..just people i haven't met yet.
#3- I still talk to my Grandmother, even tho she has been dead for over 30 years. I especially check in with her when i am deciding on which plant to buy..and i definitely get an answer!
#4- I have always had a very strong connection to trees....
#5- I used to do energy work at local Metaphysical bookstore called the Blue White Rainbow... We used to get calls for me to do animal communication work, and sometimes i would be asked to help locate a lost animal. If i connected with the person requesting help or with the situation, then i could sometimes "see" where the animal was hiding or waiting at the time and had a pretty good success rate!
#6- I used to teach at a local day care center, and absolutely loved that job. I adore children, and prefer the company of children and animals to most anything or anybody else. I also have an addiction to children's books, art work and dolls, stuffed animals, etc...
So there you go... for
better or worse, you know a little bit more about me! Now instead of "tagging" anyone in particular, i would like to invite anyone who reads this to voluntarily share some things about themselves that will help us all get to know each other a little bit better! So start sharing!!!