Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Windowsill Kitties

 My window sills used to be chock full of beautiful house plants, bonsai, cactus.... That is, until the kittens came. The fact is, the kitties love to sit up in the windows and look out on the world, and in doing so, have culled quite a few of my plants..
It's ok...I have plenty of time to get new plants someday. For now i am just enjoying having my sweet kitties here making the windowsills look even more beautiful...


Paula said...

It's funny how we re-arrange our houses for our furbabies! *haha*
Hope you are having a good day, sweet friend...

crimsoncat05 said...

yes, animals definitely require some re-arranging in the house, don't they?!? but they're worth it!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Cats are fascinated with the world outside, ours used to love to lie in the windowsill. By the way, I bought that set of cards last night from Amazon. They came with a nice hardback book that explains all the meanings too, so I am looking forward to it arriving.
Lynne x

Mare said...

Hi Paula and Crimsoncat! I have to say it was not "i" who did the re-arranging!!!hahaha Ilove my houseplant babies too and lost some much loved members of my plant family...But the trashing seems to have stopped(fingers crossed) and the plants that are still here and happy. Oh and so are the cats! :)

Mare said...

Lynne! I am so happy you were able to find the set you wanted and i am honored to have helped with that!I have a feeling you are REALLY going to like this card set, and it may open the door for you for more...(it is addictive you know....)Let me know when it arrives and what you think...Love, mare