Monday, March 31, 2008


I found this beautiful tribute to Amma, also known as The Hugging Saint on You Tube, by Ambika 145. Amma's tentative Northeastern Tour Dates for Boston this Summer are July 15th for the public program, and the 16th thru the 18th for her retreat, with Devi Bhava taking place on the 18th. If you want to experience being in the presence of a real Saint, chances are she will be visiting a place near you soon...


coloredsock said...

blogger ate my comment so i'm trying again...hi Mare! thanks for your sweet comment about my book. it's been fun looking thru your blog.thanks for sharing. and Amma...i love Amma. we've seen her 4 years in a row in albuquerque. she is pure shakti, pure love. xojenny

Mare said...

Hi Jenny,
It is so nice to meet another devotee! Will you be seeing Amma this Summer? Tentative dates for Boston are in July and i can't wait to see her again. I too began seeing Amma just 4 years ago!
I have added your book to my wish list. Can't wait to see it, and buy it for my collection. My Granddaughter is already in love with books and yours will be read to her again and again. Thanks for posting my friend....