Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Budding Artist- Lola's First work!

Lola came by for a few hours this afternoon while her parents went shopping. So i thought i would get out the crayons and try to teach her to...well...scribble. It turns out she would rather be a sculptor than a painter. First she had to inspect all aspects of the paper....Then fold the edges.......

make it a real 3 dimensional piece...To get a real feel for her work, she even tasted it in a few places......Until....
Voila! It was finished! And here is the final result.....
She is definitely a minimalist! Maybe she would prefer collage.....


Kate said...

Maybe she'd prefer the sewing machine?

Mare said...

You may be right! And i know just the right person to teach her! ;)

Murray said...

I love it! Children's artwork is so inspiring. You have to get a big portfolio and start saving all her scribbles!

Mare said...

Hi Murray,
I agree with you! Children are so "pure". They draw what they see and feel and they are not worried one little bit about how it looks or what others think! We could learn a lot from them. Between her Aunt Kate and i, you can imagine the art supplies our Lola will be introduced to! :)
PS- I enjoy reading your blog! Thanks for posting!