Thursday, December 27, 2012

Today~Inside and Outside

 Outside today we are having our first real snow storm of the Winter Season. After a snowless Winter last year, i am glad to see the snow fall again.

 The roads are getting plowed but it is pretty slippery out there and everything is covered in a blanket of white, clean snow. It looks so pretty, but i am not going out there today!

 So i am staying inside and working on my knitting and crochet projects. I have hats and scarf sets to tuck the ends in on, cowls to finish, teddy bears to seam, stuff and sew together. And everything needs to be tagged, labeled and priced. It's a good day to stay inside my cozy little house with a hot cup of coffee, a good movie and the dogs and kitties all tucked in around me while getting some work done. Life is good...


Sketching with Dogs said...

That sounds so cozy and happy Mare, wish I was sitting making things with you. How great to have some snow for Christmas.
Lynne x

Mare said...

Lynne, i wished we lived closer too. We could have so much fun working together! OH! My Snowmen came today and i absolutely LOVE those little guys! Lola loves them too! Thanks Lynne!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Oh, I am so glad they arrived and you love them Mare. I love making things for Christmas!
I made myself some ornaments this year which I am blogging about tomorrow.
Lynne x

Mare said...

i took a picture of Lola loving them. I'll be sure to post it!