Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Animal Medicine Card for the Day~ Rabbit


Sketching with Dogs said...

That is very good advice from the rabbit. I will have to see what my card is today. I am reading the book, I am really loving it.
Lynne x

Mare said...

Oh Lynne i am so happy you like the cards! Rabbit does bring good advice for me. I do have to overcome my fears, as they do hold me back from reaching my full potential. Let me know what card you pull!

Sketching with Dogs said...

I pulled the Coyote today, it is true I hardly ever learn from my mistakes so guess it is a good one for me. It seems like sort of a scary card full of negatives but then maybe I am wrong as I don't know much about them yet.
Lynne x

Mare said...

I just pulled out the Coyote card..Coyote is a "trickster" in the Native American teachings. He teaches by pushing your buttons and pulling your strings. Is your life a bit crazy or hectic right now(i know mine is with Christmas and all)Coyote reminds you to laugh at all of that, don't get caught up in drama.(Come to think of it, that would be a good card for ME today so thank you for posting this! haha!)He also tells you to be open for whatever comes your way. It may not be what you expected, but it is definitely what you need. Love these cards...

Sketching with Dogs said...

My life is always crazy and hectic these days! I like your interpretation of the Coyote card, I do need to lighten up a bit lately. It is amazing how they tell you what you have to do, so accurate. I am really enjoying this too.
Lynne x