Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Fresh White Blanket...

Yep! More fresh snowfall last night. I'd say we got about 5 inches so far, with a possibility of a few more to come. I love the way it makes my pine trees look lacy....

My opinion of freshly fallen snow has lightened up considerably since we have our local lawn company come and plow and shovel us out. All it takes is at least 2 inches of the white stuff and we are all clear. I love those guys....

The dogs seem to really like the snow and don't seem to want to wait for their sweaters on their first foray out into the Winter Wonderland....

But this morning poor Pollyanna has to follow behind her brother and sister, as the snow is deeper than her legs are long!

It's a good day to stay in and knit or bake, but we are off to my Parent's house for a Pizza Party and to sort thru some old photographs my Mother found in her house. Enjoy the weekend!

1 comment:

Archie and Melissa said...

Hi Mare!
Oh what a wonderful & beautiful day!
I wish it was snowing here in Boulder. The high country is getting snow this year, but we are so dry. We just had a huge wildfire here in the foothills of Boulder last week. Amazing!