Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Flowers from Seth

picked especially for me on our walk yesterday, popped into a cup with some rooting coleus cuttings...


Phill said...

Is that lavender? Maybe Purple Loosestrife. Pretty flowers al the same!

Mare said...

Hi CM! It's Purple Loosestrife...We have it growing all over the place here. I know a short while ago folks were upset that this stuff was spreading and becoming invasive, but it is a mighty pretty nuisance plant, don't you think? I love wildflowers...

Murray said...

Loosestrife, don't think we have much of that around here, doesn't sound familiar. I have some sort of "wildflower" coming up in my yard. My gram insists it's a weed, but it has the loveliest white flowers every morning that disappear by noon. Not a Morning Glory, or anything else I can identify... I'll have to take a picture, maybe you'll recognize it!

Mare said...

Hi Murray,
Look up "Bindweed" to see if that is what you have...Is it a vine?