Monday, October 15, 2012

Good Girl!

Zinnia in the park


Sketching with Dogs said...

She is loving that Mare!
Zinnia is a sweetie.
Lynne x

Mare said...

Lynne, can you see the insane look in her eyes while she waits for me to throw the ball? She is definitely NOT wired for hunting!Her kill instinct is WAY too strong! I can never throw the ball enough for her...

Sketching with Dogs said...

Is she a terrier, they are crazy for chasing after balls. Years ago we had a Jack Russell and he loved to run after the ball. Then one day the cat brought a mouse into the house and let it go, he leaped up onto my lap and was shaking like a leaf, terrified, it was hilarious!

Mare said...

You know, we are not sure what breed she is. She came with a litter of dachshund /poodle mix pups,but she is definitely not either of those breeds. She is a herder...maybe part border collie and/or cattle dog...And here is another thing we have(had) in common. I have not one but two Jack Russell mix siblings here. They are dogs with springs for legs!!!