Monday, July 30, 2012

Warning- Destruction Zone

This is a warning...If you love your "things", do NOT - i repeat, DO NOT add a parrot or small kittens to your animal family. This used to be a vintage yardstick. Many beloved plants have gone over the Rainbow Bridge... The lesson in this for me? Breathe and let it go.....


Sketching with Dogs said...

Very good advice Mare, I could try a little of it myself.
Parrots are notoriously naughty at picking things to bits, I have heard.
Lynne x

Mare said...

Right Lynne. Lots of times people see Safou and say they wished they had a parrot like him or want one badly. I make sure i tell them the other side of parrot-hood. He chews everything, he bites everybody else but me (including the dogs and cats!)he's a free range pooper, and he can be incredibly annoying when he decides he wants to whistle a loud tune or ping his cage bars like a guitar when you are on the phone or trying to have a conversation. I love him like a child, but he is a very stubborn, difficult child that will never grow up. Imagine the terrible twos...forever!