Today is the fist day in a while that we have had some sun. It is also very hot and humid here for the last day of May, but the weather has gone wonky all over the world. I'm sure these are the "Earth Changes" the Native American Elders warned us about....For those of us that don't believe in climate change, it doesn't really matter because it is happening whether you believe it or not... Anyway...
i went out to the front garden this morning and found my clematis ( Jackamanni) in full bloom right next to the rosa rugosa bushes, which are also opening up. It smells like Heaven out there.
This old clematis vine belonged to my Mother in law Fran. She said she could not get it to bloom and so i took the scrawney little vine home with me, planted it, and it comes up bigger and better every year. It always reminds me of her.
more Jackamanni in the bright sunshine
and here's a closeup of some of the roses blooming with it. The bumblebees love these roses. I've written about this huge old bush before. We used to go to Cape Cod every Summer for a vacation with the kids, and we stayed at my old Boss' cottage on the bay side. The last year we went there she told me she was going to tear down all the beautiful vegetation around the cottage to make repairs and she was going to sell it. I asked if i could take some slips of the rose bushes that grew wild there and some wild honeysuckle, an this is that little slip gone wild many years later(The wild honeysuckle hasn't bloomed yet but i will post pictures when it does)
I love my Japanese Maples...Here is the tree i have planted in the ground in the front garden. The picture doesn't show the colors well(believe it or not, too much sun!) but the leaves are a dark maroon and the little seed pod "helicopters" are a bright red and yellow color. Just beautiful!
The wild geranium(cranesbill) is blooming all over the place but especially around the base of the tree stump that is my rock garden. The problem is i don't want it there, but it has a mind of it's own!
In the back shady garden the columbine are blooming. Right now i have mostly white flowers in bloom
Here is a hybrid honeysuckle i planted when we first moved here some 30 years ago. It's just starting to open it's blooms and blooms on and off all Summer long. It climbs the fence back there. The hummingbirds love this stuff...
Here is a lovely deep blue/purple columbine that got blown about and tattered in the strong storm we had the other night. I wanted to show you the color. Hopefully more of these will bloom...
more double flowered white columbine...
So that's it for the blooms for now! Next stop, the "dog yard" gardens for some of the flowering herbs growing there...Have a wonderful weekend!