Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lola's Manger

Ever since i put up my Manger and Nativity set for Christmas, Lola has been fascinated with the figures and the story of Jesus birth. So, right after Christmas i saw this little Nativity set on sale and bought it for her to play with. Right away she was concerned that there was no "Manger" for the baby Jesus to be born in, so, we made one out of a cardboard box.

We needed to decorate the roof with the sun and the moon and stars and snowflakes and big clouds for the Angel to stand on

and since the set came without some of the animals she is used to seeing in my set, we drew a donkey and a camel and a cow
Then we had to cut windows in the sides and a "back door" so the Wise Men could get out without waking up the baby...

and then one by one, they all moved into place...

There...better than store bought!


Paula said...

Yes, MUCH better than store bought! And I can tell she will be an artist just like Grandma! (And Great-Grandma!)

Mare said...

Thanks Paula...I am thinking she will be a much better artist than her Gumma!(Me) :)