Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Today we had a date at GG and Bepa's house(my Parents and the kids Great Grandparents) for a noontime Halloween Party!
(There was a cute little Giraffe there too!)
All of the Great Grandchildren came by and posed for this great group picture

There was a Native American

And 2 Luigi's and a Mario
and there is that little Giraffe again!

We had delicious pizza

but it was pretty hard to eat with those big moustaches!

Lola and i made special cookies for everyone.

And GG and Bepa got a special cake for the party and the Elmo face in the center of each cupcake was a ring!

Even Uncle Bob got into the spirit! A good time was had by all. I am wishing You and Yours a Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wrap your baby in Love...

I have added a few of my Mom's hand crocheted baby blankets to my Etsy shop.

Mom has been making these blankets since my girls were babies, and i still have the blankets she made them when they were born. And they still look good as new.

They are made of easy care acrylic yarn and are light enough for warm days, yet warm enough for chilly nights.

And they double as dolly blankets too...

Mom is a Great Grandmother now, and she puts so much love into everything she does. She really enjoys making these little blankets for all the newborns in the family. But now that the family has slowed down in the baby department, she has a few extra. So i thought we would share them with you, our extended family out there! Check them out! Her prices are fantastic!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My own little Pumpkin Patch

My own little Pumpkin Patch is right here on my kitchen table! These little Pumpkin Dumpling hats have been flying off the shelves at Artcentric in downtown Troy NY.

It a really cute way of keeping those little heads warm and dry in this chilly Autumn weather and to dress up a bit in honor of Halloween and Pumpkin Season!
Here is my little model Lola trying an Apple Dumpling hat on for size...
I think my girl will need a sweater to go over that little outfit very soon!

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Treasury Surprise!

I am very happy to say that we have been chosen for a special Etsy Treasury! Mom's painting, "Chickadees in Winter" was featured in Goodclayworks Treasury collection "Playing with light and darkness." (Yay Mom!) Thank you Goodclayworks! This is a first for us! Check it out !

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sliding down

We took Lola to the park, and her favorite thing there was the curly slide. After she went down the slide a few times the static electricity built up on her and her hair began to float in space.
It got so funny that a few of us folks would stand at the bottom of the slide and watch her come down and we would all laugh(Lola included) at her unruly hair
Looking at this picture i could learn so much from her. Relax, let go, be yourself, enjoy. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself. Life is so much fun...even the simple things are really great. I feel like i am a kid again when i am with her...I laugh and smile the whole day thru... It kind of reminds me of one of my favorite James Taylor songs. I feel like i really understand it now. It's all just a Lovely Ride, isn't it?

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Beautiful Bride

My beautiful God child was married this past weekend. My goodness Breezy, i remember the day you were born. In a blink of an eye you have turned into a beautiful young woman. Your Dad looks so proud of you...

Meet the new married couple, Breanna and David Cohn. We wish you all the Good luck and Love in the world!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Just to let you know, my hand knit little bunnies and teddies are available in the following shops in downtown Troy NY: Anchor 5 Boutique, and Artcentric,
both on River Street.
(Anchor 5 is in the same spot as The Paper Sparrow used to be!)
I am also working hard to get a few of the little critters into my own Etsy shop too. I just thought i would share this picture of Lola giving a few of her little friends a big hug. You can never have too much cuteness!