Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Computer whizkid

We're never too young OR too old to learn
My baby is growing up so fast....

Friday, February 14, 2014


 I am afraid to say this out loud for fear of jinxing myself
 but this is the first time in a LONG time that i was able to have an amaryllis come to full bloom in the house. Last year the bulb threw greens but it never flowered, and the year before that the cats snapped the stalk/stem off just as the buds were starting to open....
 You can see it is pretty tall, the bulb perched inside a glass with water.
 Here is the amaryllis fully open

 In this picture you can see there are four blooms on the stalk.
Fingers crossed it will stay standing for a little while!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What's Bloomin Inside

 This is the only orchid blooming so far this Winter...No sign of flowering from the others as of yet...

 and one of my new Christmas cactuses is also blooming, with a brand new color for me!

 This one is a soft peachy yellow with some pink in the throat and a fuschia colored stamen. 
VERY pretty!

This is a new variety(for me) of aloe plant i bought at our local Food Co-Op.
It's very happy here and threw out a new stem of blooms right away!
More blooms to come!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

What i did on Superbowl Sunday

 Another homemade apple pie, using up the last of the apples from the Farmer's market
 A big pot of tomato sauce using up the last of the tomatoes from our garden