Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Card of the Day- 3 of Cups

I have been a long time student of Tarot and have recently begun to study the cards and their meanings a little deeper. Working with these symbols is kind of like peeling an onion. You just get to an understanding of what it all means and then you get to a whole new layer of understanding. I believe it is a lifelong study. I thought i would share with you some of the cards i am pulling for the day. Whatever the card pulled, it usually gives good advice!
This is a card of celebration! Celebrate your friendships,your abundance and your creativity. Call a good friend and make a date to meet. Maybe even treat for lunch! Paint a picture, knit a bunny, string some beads, bake some bread. Add to the Beauty in the World. Be grateful for your health and all of your Blessings...
Cups represent the element of water and emotions.
The number 3 signifies creative and emotional expression, happiness, joy, synthesis and celebration.


Sketching with Dogs said...

That looks like an excellent card to pull!
Lynne x

Mare said...

One of my favorites Lynne! Are you working with your Animal Wisdom cards?

Paula said...

Very interesting, Mare~ and 3 of cups sounds like a very happy card!

Sketching with Dogs said...

I am trying to select one card and learn what it means every day. Sometimes I do forget, I must admit and am not quite sure if I am interpreting them right but I am enjoying it.
Lynne x

Mare said...

Hi Lynne, that is a great way to get familiar with the cards, no matter what system you are working with. I still pull a card a day often. It's fine to look up the meaning of each card, but if the card speaks strongly to you, and has a personal meaning for you, then i would definitely go with that message. That is how the Spirit of the cards speak to you...